Reports and deliverables of INDAIRPOLLNET
All the reports, resources and deliverables of INDAIRPOLLNET have been collected on one site, including recommendations on what to measure indoors when looking into different research questions.
Articles and blogs
News on the WG1&2 progress meeting on the website of ELTE (in Hungarian):
Az INDAIRPOLLNET tanácskozása a TTK-n
Article about air pollution on the (in spanish):
La polución de los diésel salta a la escuela
Article about INDAIRPOLLNET on COST website:
Understanding the risks of indoor air pollutants
Scientific Publications
Editorial based on the work of WG1 published in Indoor Air:
Other material
Instruction on how to reduce the potential spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through aerosol transmission
Guide for ventilation towards healthy classrooms
The Indoor Scenario Simulator for COVID-19 (a free tool to estimate viral load indoors + user quide)
Guide for ventilation of indoor environments (other than schools)