In what type of buildings should we run a field campaign?

Marzenna Duzinska

Lublin University of Technology

Key objective:

In order to achieve this objective, the following tasks will be carried out through meetings in years 2-3, with results presented at the fourth workshop in month 36:
1. Briefly review past studies in order to assess:
a) Best type of building to use and why, considering its use (e.g. school, residence), design (e.g. naturally or mechanically ventilated) and geographical location.
b) What are the advantages/disadvantages to using public or residential buildings?
2. Using the information from 1. along with WGs1 and 3-4, identify and rank building types.
3. Provide a list of which building parameters are required (e.g. ventilation rates, surface characterisation) and how to measure them, in order to interpret the chemistry.
4. Provide a list of logistical requirements (power, space, etc.) to assess building suitability.

Milestones and Deliverables:

Month 12: Start-up meeting at Workshop 2
Month 24: Progress meeting at Workshop 3
Month 36: Recommendations for WG6 defining where we should measure indoors (D10)
Month 36: List of building parameters to be quantified (D11)
Month 36: List of logistical requirements for measurements indoors (D12)




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