Grants for Short Term Scientific Missions
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are institutional visits aimed at supporting individual mobility and fostering collaboration between individuals. These missions contribute to the scientific objectives of COST Action CA17136. They are particularly intended for young scientists. A STSM between different Actions may be considered by the Management Committees of both Actions. STSM activities of INDAIRPOLLNET are coordinated by Dr. Sascha Nehr.
A quick introduction to STSM grants (updated 10.2.22)
How to apply for an STSM in COST action CA17136 (updated 10.2.22)
Open and upcoming calls
Past calls
First call for Grant Period 4: Deadline 28.2.2022
Third call for Grant Period 2: Deadline 31.1.2020
Second call for Grant Period 2: Deadline 30.9.2019
First call for Grant Period 2: Deadline 31.5.2019
First call for Grant Period 1: Deadline 11.1.2019
Awarded grants
Grant period 1
Aleksandar Petrovski
Investigation of buidling design aspects influencing indoor air pollution, 24.3-19.4.2019
Silvia Vilcekova
Monitoring and analysis of indoor air pollutants, 3.-22.3.2019
Ludmila Meciarova
Monitoring and analysis of indoor air pollutants, 3.-22.3.2019
Gerald Leindecker
Considering the surface of materials (wood, concrete, brick) in context
of quantification of fluxes of VOCs in relation to indoor air quality, 12.-24.4.2019
Kati Huttunen
Imaging exposure of lung tissue to indoor air particulate matter, 3.-13.4.2019
Emer Duffy
Investigating occupant related emissions, 8.-12.4.2019
Pawel Misztal
Pilot study on human sources of volatile organic compounds, 26.-30.4.2019
Grant period 2
Renata Kovacevic
Chemical analysis of organic/elemental carbon an ionic species from particulate matter 15.-26.7.2019
Andreea Turcanu
Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials for detection and removal of VOCs from indoor environment 23.9.-9.12.2019
Grant period 3
Gerald Leindecker
Analysis of Data, uncertainties in relation to various building types and its parameters for sensors 1.-12.9.2021